In-Home Coaching Visit

If you’ve been trained in TBRI practices and are having a hard time implementing TBRI in your home, an in-home coaching visit can be a good next step.

There can be many reasons why it’s hard to use TBRI with your children as it’s a multi-layered intervention. It may be difficult to know where to begin or why your efforts aren’t working. With TBRI training we become informed intellectually, but how do we translate that with our child and our home? That’s the kind of question I hear frequently because it is hard to put a whole new set of strategies into practice while taking care of a child and other life responsibilities.

Personalized in-home coaching provides hands-on guidance in applying TBRI for your needs. Each in-home coaching visit will begin with an intake phone call to gather information about your unique situation. Then we’ll set up a time for a 1-hour visit, which will include a Nurture Group and observation. After assessment of the concerns and needs, I will give you personalized feedback with tailored interventions to implement TBRI in your home via email. 

Each intake, home visit assessment, and email feedback costs $250. If you live outside of south Orange County, there will be an additional charge for driving costs and time. If interested, please email me.