TBRI Tip #30: Mindfulness

What if your natural reaction to a child’s behavior doesn’t include using the TBRI Engagement Strategies? (Tip #15) For many of us that would not be the way we’d normally react to behavior and so it can be difficult to implement. In TBRI we are guided towards becoming more self-aware by learning our attachment styles and with this awareness, also called Mindfulness, we can ask ourselves where the reaction comes from and how we can instead be present in what our child needs.


Apply Mindfulness


In TBRI, Mindfulness is “bringing one’s complete attention to the present moment”. In order to be able to do that, here’s some questions from TBRI on Adult Attachment to ask yourself:

  1. How has your own childhood influenced the way you parent your child or with other relationships?

  2. How does your own history influence the types of behaviors that push your buttons?

Thinking through these questions can begin the road to understanding yourself and how to be mindful of your reactions and improve your connection with your child.


If you’re interested in learning more about your Adult Attachment style, we’ll be offering an in-depth workshop on understanding your specific attachment style and growth steps to implement on December 1st, 10am-4pm. More details and the registration link will be provided later this month.



TBRI Tip #31: Emotional Regulation


TBRI Tip #29: Trauma, Brain Changes, and Behavior